Yixin Zeng

I am Yixin Zeng (曾一欣), a CS master student (since 2022) at the State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University, under the supervision of Prof. Hongzhi Wu. Prior to this, I accomplished my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Technology, graduating from the Chu Kochen College at Zhejiang University in 2022. From June to November 2024, I served as an visiting student researcher at KAIST, working with Prof. Min H. Kim.

Research Interest: Computer Graphics, and Computational Imaging.

Contact: 22221238@zju.edu.cn / zyx45889@gmail.com

I paint in my spare time. I have posted some of my paintings on my website’s art gallery.



  1. Real-time Acquisition and Reconstruction of Dynamic Volumes with Neural Structured Illumination

    CVPR 2024

    Yixin Zeng*, Zoubin Bi*(*contribute equally), Mingrui Yin, Xiang Feng, Kun Zhou, Hongzhi Wu

  2. GS^3: Efficient Relighting with Triple Gaussian Splatting

    SIGGRAPH Asia, 2024

    Zoubin Bi*, Yixin Zeng*, Chong Zeng, Fan Pei,Xiang Feng , Kun Zhou and Hongzhi Wu


  1. Use of Deep-Learning Assisted Assessment of Cardiac Parameters in Zebrafish to Discover Cyanidin Chloride as a Novel Keap1 Inhibitor Against Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity

    Advanced Science, 2023, 2301136.

    Changtong Liu, Yingchao Wang, Yixin Zeng, Zirong Kang, Hong Zhao, Kun Qi, Hongzhi Wu, Lu Zhao and Yi Wang

  2. Tac-Anticipator: Visual Analytics of Anticipation Behaviors in Table Tennis Matches

    Computer Graphics Forum, 2023.

    Jiachen Wang, Yihong Wu, Xiaolong Zhang, Yixin Zeng, Zheng Zhou, Hui Zhang, Xiao Xie, and Yingcai Wu